Thursday, January 12, 2017

Facial Features (All)

When we did the eye drawings I really learned how to make them look realistic. Little details I never payed attention to before make a big difference, like the eyelashes on the bottom part of your eye and the eye creases. Another thing that I learned to pay attention to is how long the top eyelashes are in certain parts compared to others.

With doing the nose drawing I tried to focus on adding the right amount of value to the right sections.  If you don't the image can end up looking flat and cartoon-like which is what I didn't want.

The mouth drawing gave me the most trouble due to the fact that I don't completely know how to shade them to create a realistic look. I feel as if I got somewhat better than I used to be at drawing them though and that is what's most important.

The ear drawing was something that I enjoyed doing because I felt like I knew just where to add value. Due to this it allowed my drawing to come out good and realistic-like.

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